Faces in the Crowd
I love being in the crowd. It’s been sad these past few months we haven’t been able to get together like this. There are a lots of challenges in catching photos during the action. Keeping your lens wide open, your shutter speed slow, and ISO high.
The lights are low, which means my camera’s shutter speed is slow. This leads to blurry images, which can look nice at times. But often I’m waiting for a flash of brighter light from the stage. That way I can capture the action and keep the photo detailed. You can also increase the ISO of a digital camera, but then you start getting noise in the image. Sometimes this noise looks horrible in color, so shifting to black and white kind of hides it. It’s a little cheat. Don’t tell anyone I told you…
Often it’s a matter of camping. I find the most likely spot to get extra light, pick a face, and wait. I usually am able to get a dozen images or so and one might be that good combination of lighting, expression, framing, and all the rest of the aspects that go into making a good photo.
Wandering around the arena and seeing everyone so intent on the stage was a great pleasure. I can’t wait till we’re all able to gather again and watch some great players.
Until then, let’s go play some Overwatch.