In the Mist…

The walk out for our homestand matches was pretty impressive. We have aerialists, Slapshot, the Presidents, and MIST! Seriously though, the mist was fun to shoot in. The team got a chance to rehearse and I got a chance to play with the light.

Ttuba in the mist

Ttuba in the mist

The main fun of the mist is trying to snag a good silhouette. I like this one of Ttuba because his jacket blends in with the cloud, making it look like he’s materializing out of it. The highlights in his hair also add a nice textural contrast by giving straighter light and dark lines to the softness of the vapor.

Each member was given a foam shield and pointer finger. So of course they used them like swords! Aimgod charged down the aisle like he was jousting. The OWL crew directed the players on what to do and expect, but really the main goal was to have fun. Evidence: ArK laughing!

rOar is stoic

rOar is stoic

It’s difficult to focus in the mist. This one of rOar is a good example. I tried a bunch of times to hand focus on him in the dark, but I got more of the cloud behind him. Still, I like the shot because of the nice silhouette. You can really see the texture of vapor and the lights behind him. The downside of the cloud is that it smells weird… Oh well, price to pay for a really awesome walk out!

Let’s go play some Overwatch!